
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019

Someone I would like to meet

Hi my Friends! Today I will talk about my favorite singer in the world jaja! At the beginning I want to talk about how I met this singer. Since I was a child I liked to listen to his music because it is very romantic, and his voice is perfect. I'm talking about Peter Gene Hernández, also known as Bruno Mars, an American singer of genres such as pop, disco, soul, etc. He has a very beautiful personality that even though our sea is recognized as truly humble. He has won several nominations and awards, including the Grammy Award for best male pop vocal performance, among others. he first song that I heard from him was "Talking to the moon", a very romantic song. Since that moment he became my favorite singer.  But, I like him not only because he makes romantic music or songs about love, also because nowadays he has a lot of songs that are very fun and danceable. Besides he is a complete artist because he also dances very well! Nowaday

The best concert ever

Hi: What can I say?... Every time someone asks me about the concerts I’ve seen, I can`t help remembering of the Moral Distraida concert in October 2018. It was held at Movistar Arena. The day of the concert I was very nervous because it was the first concert I attended in Santiago. I was accompanied by a friend from the South, who, like me, likes the Moral Distraida. We arrived very early to have a very good view. The concert began at the indicated time and finished at midnight. It was a very complete concert! they sang all their songs. I like the band of Mora Distraida because it contains in its lyrics a critique of society and the management of power. In addition, this is a very recent band, it was founded in the year 2010. fuses urban music and tropical music, with special influence of Cuban rhythms. In conclusion, the concert of the Moral Distraida has been one of the best experiences I have experienced in Santiago. I' see you in cla

Post 1: A country I would like yo visit

A country I would like yo visit Spain, transcontinental country, is a member of the European union. It is one of the countries that I would like to experience its culture; The people; the nature; the wildlife. I have learned about Spain from Spanish friends who have come to Chile. They tell me the food is delicious. For example, I’ve heard good things about the Paella, Fabada, cocido madrileño, Jamón serrano, and Tortillas de patatas. I have tasted the tortillas de patatas and found them to be very delicious (jaja).    I would like to travel to Spain while completing my Masters in Public Policy because I feel it would allow me a deeper understanding of the theoretical and practical elements essential to understanding the contemporary international reality.  Besides working in the public administration in Spanish, the structure of the State as an institute is very interesting. This learning experience would be a great contribution to my career. Finally Sp


Hi: My name is Jorge Gallardo Potthoff. I study public administration in the universidad de Chile. I'm Doing English in this semestre. My weakness in English is writing in English. Speaking in English. My strengths in English is the verb To be. Jorge.