
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019

Post 8: Your opinion

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet? -       My opinion about having an exotic pet, is negative, and to be exotic animals where their habitat is different from ours, tend to stress over the account and fail to be happy, because they encieran in a place where it is not comfortable for them. but even people have it in their house, but they do not know the damage they are doing What is your opinion about women in the military? -       that there are more spaces for women in society, it is always good, because it means that society is evolving ... but without a doubt it needs a lot to be able to change the paragime of patriarchy in the Army, since man continues to have the scene star but in any case, I think it's an excellent initiative for women to be part of the Army. What is your opinion about child labor?     Child labor has been a historical concern of humanity, countries like Mexico have been the bad example to follow, due to th

My Best Friend

A friendship is an affective relationship between two people, built on the basis of reciprocity and assiduous. The fundamental values in a friendship are loyalty, love, solidarity, unconditionality, sincerity and commitment. My best friend name is Constanza, we met at the University, we became friends two weeks after entering classes. We have been friends for four years, the time we have been studying. I consider him my best friend, because he has been with me in the happiest moments and also with the least happy, we have seen crying, accompanying, laughing, among other things. She is very tender, beautiful, responsible, attentive, affectionate, thoughtful, among other qualities that make her very special. Each of the moments that we have lived treasure them in my heart, as cute and unforgettable recipes. The remember more beautiful, are our visits to the city of Viña Del Mar, every time we visit that city, it brings us tranquility, peace, harmony… where we sit on the sand

Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

Hi everyone Today I will talk about what course I would like to study after completing my curriculum at the university. The topic I would like to study is the Master in “Gestión Pública”, taught by the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona in Spain. This is a course in which it offers a higher quality and specialization in all fields of social sciences, mainly for public management, because it provides a comprehensive vision of the internal functioning of the State and, therefore, the skills for professional life. To study it, I would have to live in Barcelona, ​​a city that I love, since I was a child I used to observe images of its landscapes and it seems beautiful to me. The only thing I regret is leaving my family here in Chile, but I would fulfill my childhood dream of traveling abroad to study. In conclusion, Travel and study should be one of the most beautiful experiences a professional can develop. Allowing a specialization in